Thursday, July 3, 2008

Baby McCarty Vote...

Okay...I've started getting votes on whether this is a boy or a girl, so I have now started a tally sheet with everyone's guesses. Its kind of fun to see what everyone thinks, and then in the end we'll see who's right.
At this point we've only got two votes for a boy, ha ha. The countdown is on until August 18th. Hopefully, they see what the gender is that day, because I don't think we can wait any longer than that. The suspense is killing us. I think one of the reasons I want to know so badly is because I hate calling the baby "it." That just sounds awful to me. At least once we know we can call it "he" or "she." I don't like to think I have an "IT" in my belly.

My mom has been in town since last Thursday, and we have been doing lots of maternity clothes shopping. So that has been fun. I will be so stylish, ha ha. I like maternity clothes shopping, its the only time that you can buy clothes that make you look fat, and it be okay. In fact, being fat is cute when you're in maternity clothes. I finally have an excuse to show my fat belly off. WOO HOO!!!
We've also bought lots of cute little kid books, so I can read to our little one. I love to read, so I am hoping I can pass that on to our children. Its been a fun, exhausting week.
Today we are resting, so we can have a fun 4th of July tomorrow. I believe we are going up to Jemez Falls, and grilling hot dogs and corn on the cobs. YUM YUM!!! Sounds great!