Saturday, November 8, 2008

30 Week Update!

We are at Week 30 now. We're getting closer!!!! Jovi is about 3 1/4 pounds according to this week's ultrasound. Which is right on the average line as far as weight. Also her head is already aimed downward, so she is headed the right direction. Hopefully, she stays down there, and does not go breach on us. That does not sound like fun!

She is very fidgety, and I can now see her moving on the outside of my tummy. Ben, however, does not have any interest in seeing this. He thinks it is disgusting when she moves. It gives him the willies. HA HA. He always shutters and yanks his hand away when he feels her. "It feels a little alien in there." How does he think I feel? :) She's INSIDE OF ME!!!!

Also, this week I found out that I have gestational diabetes. Thanks genetics! My numbers are not high, so the doctor's are not TOO concerned. However, we are keeping a close watch, because having G.D. does have a lot of risks if not taken seriously. It can cause hypoglycemia, enlarged heart, enlarged pancreas, oversized babies, still birth, labor complications, etc. I will just have to keep an extra eye on my diet, and make sure to avoid a lot of sweets. That will suck with all the holidays approaching, but I have found some diabetic recipe websites, and they have some yummy diabetic desserts. In fact, last night we made a recipe from one of the sites, Spicy Chicken and Seafood Gumbo with Whole Grain Rice. It was awesome! I know we will manage, and needless to say, we will do whatever is best for our little girl.

We are going to be very busy for the rest of this pregnancy. Just next week I have 3 appointments. My regular OB GYN on Wednesday, my diabetic counsellor on Wednesday, and our now WEEKLY ultrasound on Thursday. We've gone from once a month to a minimum of once a week. Crazy!

I now have to see my OB GYN every two weeks for my regular appointments.
Then I get a weekly ultrasound that checks her heartbeat and fetal movement, because of the higher risk of stillbirth. And of course, I count her fetal movements twice daily anyway. It should not be an issue with the right monitoring.
And finally, I see the diabetic counselor once a month. They do ultrasounds to check measurements at these appointments, because G.D. has a higher risk of large babies. So far, she is right on schedule, and again, if we keep my blood sugar under control then it should not be an issue. So we'll be busy from here on out...


A Perfect Pandemonium said...

You're getting closer! Sounds fun and exciting. I know it's a pain having to go to so many appointments but it will make the time go by faster until you get to meet your beautiful baby girl!

Anonymous said...

Jenni, sorry to hear about the GD but I'm sure that everything will be just fine! Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. You are right, winter babies are the best! Love, Stephanie

glo_in_chi said...

Uh, just a few short weeks ayi! It may seem like I'm out of touch w/ you, but I read your stuff & def have NOT forgotten about ya... miss ya!