Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Jeep Day and Goose Lake

All dressed up in our cargo pants for a day in the jeeps.
Uh-oh...It looks like we may have a lefty. Could we be anymore like daddy?
All ready for our Off Roadin' Adventure
"All buckled up, lathered in sun screen, and wearing my shades"

"Let's go already!"
Aunt Allison and Chloe
"You guys are taking FOREVER!!!!"

The McCarty's at Goose Lake

Goose Lake Photo Op

Mommy, Jovi, Oma, Chloe, Aunt Allison, and Huelo.

Goose Lake....beautiful!

Jovi and Aunt Allison's first official picture.

The rental jeeps

Daddy, Jovi, and Mommy.

Daddy showing Jovi how to fly.

Cute, cute picture. Aunt Allison made Jovi laugh.

Goose Lake.

All dirty, and ready to go back down the mountain.

Filthy Girl

Tired Out.
"Let's go home."