Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Grandmas Galour!!!!

Jovi is so lucky. She got to spend 2 and half weeks with her grandmas. My mom came when Jovi was 2 days old and left 9 days later. Then my mother-in-law came when Jovi was 1 week and 3 days, and left 8 days later. It was so nice to have help since Ben and I are both first-time parents, and are completely clueless when it comes to newborns. Jovi loves her grandmas...GRANDMAS RULE!!!

Mommy and Jovi

Jovi, me, and Grandma Trindle (my mommy)

Daddy, Jovi, Mommy, and Grandma Garcia (Ben's Mommy)

Jovi and Mommy with both Super Grandmas!

Jovi Listening to Grandma Trindle

Jovi Sitting with Grandma Garcia

Ben with his mom and Jovi


The Adkins Family said...

Ha, ha, ha. I watch Ashton like that also, but no one's around to take a pic. I'm not as cute either...

That's awesome you're still on the breastfeeding wagon. Hope she starts to cooperate!