Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Random Jovi Pics

Here are some random faves...

Our hospital visitors...Baby Aynslee, Ms Angie and Mr Don (not in pic).

YUCK!!! Not sure what that face was about, ha ha, but it cracks me up!

She's gonna be a girlie girl, cause she loves getting groomed.

Such a sweetie

Ha Ha, she looks like she is scared of something. We're not mean to her I promise. :)

Her beautiful smile. I love that little face.

She's such a cutie pie. I love her pjs, and I especially love her pink blankie from
Aunt Stacy and Uncle Nate.

Isaac helping daddy feed Jovi. He is such a good helper!

Isaac and Jovi getting there nap on...he is always near her. He's her body "dog." :)
My two babies are precious!

I just love this pic of her little hand. She has mommy hands.
I could kiss them all day long.

Look at how she interlocks her little fingers. She's such a cutie patootie.

She's adorable with her precious spiky hair and milky mouth.
How could you not love that face?


The Adkins Family said...

So much pink! Can't wait to have another girl!

Pam Roberts said...

Great pics! She sure does have some cute facial expressions.

The Adkins Family said...

You might try

I have found that I can't actually take a hand off of Ashton right now, though. I think he's going to fall out, but we are very new to the whole sling deal. He likes to ride when we're in a store, but not at home. Go figure!

How's little Jovi doing? She so cute and you both look great! How's daddy taking it all in?

The Adkins Family said...

Just so it looks like you have a huge fan club with a zillion comments I'll leave another!

You should visit or not if you want to save any money...

If we had a girl we would be broke as a joke!