Thursday, March 4, 2010

Birthday Party #2

The day after Jovi's birthday party at Oma's house, PawPaw Joe & Grandma Jeanie came into town from Arkansas, so Great Aunt Karen threw Jovi a second birthday party at her house.
Jovi's not a bit spoiled...or loved. :)PawPaw Joe came to my parent's house first while we waited for Aunt Karen, Uncle Clyde, and Stevie to get home from church. He gave Jovi lots of cuddles.
Jovi loved her birthday card from her PawPaw Joe and Great Grandma Jeanie.

Beautiful little one year old face. I wish I could preserve that innocence forever.

Aunt Karen even got Jovi an adorable puppy birthday cake.

Rehydrating with PawPaw Joe.

He loves her so much. I'm so glad Jovi has gotten to meet her PawPaw Joe.
We usually only see him every other summer, but Jovi has gotten to meet him twice in one year.
She's super lucky.
And she loves PawPaw Joe very, very much.

Playing piano with Great Grandma Jeanie.

They played Claire DeLune by Debussy.

Jovi loves music.

This made Great Grandma Jeanie a hit with Jovi.

Jovi even played a little bit herself.

Move over Elton John!

Jovi & Great Aunt Karen played with marshmallows for a little while.
As if Jovi hadn't had enough junk food this weekend.

They also talked to Penny, Pumpkin, and Peanut through the window.

Jovi got a little upset until Mono (Jovi's other great grandma) picked her up and soothed her.

That made her feel much better.

Jovi conducting the "YEA" crew.

Umm...yep, I'd say she has them right where she wants them. HA!
This is priceless.

After her party, we went back to Oma's house for the night, and Oma fed her what was probably the only healthy meal she had the entire weekend.
But hey, that's what birthday weekends are about, right?