Thursday, March 4, 2010

Last Day In Houston...Spent in Brenham

For our last day in Houston, Ben, Jovi, Oma, and I drove to Brenham to meet with Oma's bestfriend, Barbara. Barbara lives in Austin, and her son, Chris, and her granddaughter, Athena, were in from Hawaii.
So we went to lunch with our friends, and then went to the Bluebell Creamery.

Jovi and Oma waiting for Ms Barbara, Chris, and Athena to arrive.

Oma is so much fun.

Eating lunch with Athena & Oma. Jovi and Athena got along great.
It was nice hanging out with a girl after an all boys birthday party.

Athena is such a cutie pie. She cracked us up.

The whole gang at the Bluebell Creamery.
Oma, me, Ben, Jovi, Chris, Athena, and Barbara.

Barbara and Chris.

The boys with their girls.
Chris and Ben were friends when they were kids, but they had not seen each other in about 8 years. Its hard to get together with your pal when he lives all the way out in Hawaii.
Although, I wouldn't complain if we went for a visit. HA HA!

Oma with the girls.

Athena is such a ham. HA!

The grandmas with their granddaughters.

Take 2

Think Jovi's getting sleepy?

What a cutie.

Eating ice cream...aka: the best part of the tour.

Jovi representing her Bluebell Ice Cream.
You just can't take the Bluebell out of a Texas girl.
It's one of the things I miss the most. **sob sob**