I had my second doctor's appointment today, and the doc said everything is looking good. She could not hear the heartbeat with the doppler machine, because the baby was moving around too much. The doppler could hear the baby moving all over the place, so we went and did an ultrasound. When we saw the ultrasound he/she was quite wiggly, and kicking a lot. Both of our ultrasounds have shown an active baby, so I am beginning to wonder if I am in for a stomach beating once I can feel it moving. I have a feeling that I am going to be getting jabbed and kicked a lot...later on in the pregnancy.
I met my actual doctor at this appointment, and she seems to be really nice and funny. When she couldn't hear the heartbeat she said that the baby was running from her, so it must be a boy. HA HA. She was joking, of course, but Ben is now convinced that he is having a son.
I've gotten even more people saying they think this is a girl. I can't wait to see what our little one will be. A little less than 3 weeks until we find out whether this is a boy or a girl.
So...so far so good. Everything seems to be going just as it should. I'll go back in a month for another visit, and get another update.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Squirmy Baby....
Posted by Jenni McCarty at 4:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 28, 2008
Texas Tech Baby
Thank you to the Bond family for our Texas Tech baby garb. We will be able to watch our Red Raider games in style. Ben is already saying he wishes he had a matching onesie. Ha Ha, that would be a sight to see. Look at those cute little booties.
Posted by Jenni McCarty at 2:29 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 24, 2008
15 Weeks and Congrats!
Congrats to my friend Kay! She found out today that she is having a little baby girl! She is due right around the same time as me. I can't wait to find out what we're having on August 18th.
We took another Intelligender test this morning, and we got a boy result (which Ben was pretty excited about.) So now we have taken four tests, and gotten 3 boy results, and 1 girl result. Who knows? We'll find out in a few more weeks.
Posted by Jenni McCarty at 5:46 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Baby Bump and More...
Okay, I've been getting requests for pics of my belly. You asked for it...you got it. Here's my baby bump! I am getting pretty round. Amazingly, there is only one baby in there.
That's a Fatty McCarty if I've ever seen one. Mama McCarty is getting large and in charge.
Look at that BELLY!!! Let's hope I am not as big as the house when this is all over. I am only in the second trimester.
Ben wouldn't stop taking my picture, so I got a bit silly, ha ha. This is my super model pose. Isn't that the most unsexy thing you've ever seen?
Posted by Jenni McCarty at 1:08 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 11, 2008
My Good Boy
Isaac is such a good boy. He takes care of me when I have morning sickness. He lays with me, and gives sweet little kisses. He is so delicate, and gentle when he knows I don't feel good. He's a great friend, and I know he will be great with Baby McCarty. Our friend's have a 6 month old daughter, and he is always so protective of her when she comes over. We made a good choice when we adopted this sweeheart, and I am so glad he is part of our family. The McCarty family would not be the same without this good boy's personality and cuddles. He's the perfect snuggle buddy.
Posted by Jenni McCarty at 12:00 PM 0 comments
4th of July Weekend!!!
My mom was in town for the holiday weekend, and we went to Bandelier National Monument, and Jemez Falls. It was a fun little day trip.
This is me trying to keep cool in the shade while Ben explores the cave dwellings at Bandelier National Monument. It was so darn hot!!!
Ben exploring the cliff dwellings. I am not allowed to climb ladders since I am pregnant, so I kept my feet on the ground. But it was a very neat place.
These are the old indian ruins on the ground. This was once a two-story home that held anywhere from 50 to 100 families in it.
This is the soda dam. I was so hot I wanted to jump in, but I was not equiped with a bathing suit, and climbing down would have been a bit difficult.Ben and I sitting next to Jemez Springs. This was a beautiful area.
My mom and me doing the same. Its so exciting for me to get to show her new places. She's never traveled much. In fact, she had never been on a plane until me and Ben got married in 2006, and she flew to Albuquerque to see us. Now she is becoming a seasoned traveler. She flew twice to Portland when we lived there, and I can't even count how many times she's been to NM. I'm sure it will only increase once Baby McCarty arrives. The tunnels. They were created for loggers, but now they are just an added scenic view along the Jemez Springs.
Posted by Jenni McCarty at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Baby McCarty Vote...
Okay...I've started getting votes on whether this is a boy or a girl, so I have now started a tally sheet with everyone's guesses. Its kind of fun to see what everyone thinks, and then in the end we'll see who's right.
At this point we've only got two votes for a boy, ha ha. The countdown is on until August 18th. Hopefully, they see what the gender is that day, because I don't think we can wait any longer than that. The suspense is killing us. I think one of the reasons I want to know so badly is because I hate calling the baby "it." That just sounds awful to me. At least once we know we can call it "he" or "she." I don't like to think I have an "IT" in my belly.
My mom has been in town since last Thursday, and we have been doing lots of maternity clothes shopping. So that has been fun. I will be so stylish, ha ha. I like maternity clothes shopping, its the only time that you can buy clothes that make you look fat, and it be okay. In fact, being fat is cute when you're in maternity clothes. I finally have an excuse to show my fat belly off. WOO HOO!!!
We've also bought lots of cute little kid books, so I can read to our little one. I love to read, so I am hoping I can pass that on to our children. Its been a fun, exhausting week.
Today we are resting, so we can have a fun 4th of July tomorrow. I believe we are going up to Jemez Falls, and grilling hot dogs and corn on the cobs. YUM YUM!!! Sounds great!
Posted by Jenni McCarty at 9:21 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Today was our first ultrasound! The technician said that all the measurements are normal, and that everything looked really really good. The heartbeat was very neat to see and hear. The baby's heartbeat was 180 BPM, and the amniotic fluid looked clear. They said the umbilical chord was in the correct place.
There's only ONE, so no twins! PHEW! (Wipe of the brow)...ha ha. I think twins would be a bit fun, but probably a lot of work. Ben would've had a stroke if it was twins.
Our little one was moving all over the place, waving his/her arms. I seem to think that it was trying to "raise the roof." HA HA. I was not expecting as much movement as there was. It was just dancing around in my stomach. Its amazing that you can't feel all that movement when it is moving so much, but then again it is still so small.
The ultrasound is by far the funnest pregnancy thing so far. It was so exciting, and I could tell that Ben was excited, too.
My mom is in town visiting, and she went as well. She loved it. It was her first time to see an ultrasound. They did not do them back when she was pregnant. Not to mention that she got her first glimpse of her grandchild.
We have an appointment on August 18th to find out the sex of the baby, and to re-measure everything. Seven more weeks to go before we get to know if we're having a baby boy or a baby girl.
Posted by Jenni McCarty at 4:03 PM 0 comments