Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Squirmy Baby....

I had my second doctor's appointment today, and the doc said everything is looking good. She could not hear the heartbeat with the doppler machine, because the baby was moving around too much. The doppler could hear the baby moving all over the place, so we went and did an ultrasound. When we saw the ultrasound he/she was quite wiggly, and kicking a lot. Both of our ultrasounds have shown an active baby, so I am beginning to wonder if I am in for a stomach beating once I can feel it moving. I have a feeling that I am going to be getting jabbed and kicked a lot...later on in the pregnancy.
I met my actual doctor at this appointment, and she seems to be really nice and funny. When she couldn't hear the heartbeat she said that the baby was running from her, so it must be a boy. HA HA. She was joking, of course, but Ben is now convinced that he is having a son.
I've gotten even more people saying they think this is a girl. I can't wait to see what our little one will be. A little less than 3 weeks until we find out whether this is a boy or a girl.
So...so far so good. Everything seems to be going just as it should. I'll go back in a month for another visit, and get another update.