Friday, December 19, 2008

Our Sweet Little Boy...

Its a good thing we're having a little girl, cause we already have such a sweet, sweet boy. He is so special to us. I sure do love our family, and it would not be complete without our Isaac.

Here is Isaac after eating turkey on Thanksgiving. I guess it made him sleepy too.

Keeping warm on the sofa.

He is not spoiled at all.

Isaac loves his daddy. They are snuggle buddies!

Look at that sweet pie. He loves mommy and daddy's bed.

Don't you just want to give him smooches!?!?!

Look at that face! That's the face of an angel (or an imp at moments)!

Our special man can't wait to meet his new little sister.
We love you Isaac Newton McCarty! (Yes, daddy is a physicist, ha ha)