Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Small Scare

UGH! Pregnancy is really starting to depress me. I haven't written on here in a while, because these past few weeks have been so distressful.

First, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. This has been kept under control by diet, but taken all the joy out of eating. However, I will take it over being put on insulin. So I continue to monitor that, and keep my chin up.

Second, I was diagnosed with PUPPP. For those of you that don't know what this is, it is the most miserable cruel joke on a pregnant woman that could ever be. Its rashy/hives all over your body, and only a few "lucky" pregnant women get this. Lucky me. It burns...and it feels like someone is stabbing you with small needles all over. I have cried multiple times a day since being diagnosed with this. Basically, you just have to have it until the baby is born. Not very comforting. You can't sleep hardly at all when you have PUPPP, and it makes you want to crawl out of your skin. So I am just trying to keep myself from ripping my skin off.

Now, thirdly, we are waiting for test results to confirm whether or not we have preeclampsia. Bad news is that this is not good for me or baby Jovi. The good news (or the most positive news that could come out of this) is that Jovi could be here very soon. They may be going in to get her out. We're taking things one day at a time, and trying to keep my blood pressure under control.

To top things off, Jovi decided to scare us too death today. She has been a very squirmy baby the entire pregnancy, so today at noon I began to worry when I had not felt her move since last night. Fortunately, I already had an ultrasound appointment today, so we just went a little bit early. Ben left work to join me since I was so nervous, and I knew that if something was wrong I was going to need his support. Thankfully, her heartbeat was great, her umbilical chord fluid was good, and her breathing was normal, but she still was not moving. So they had to put a buzzer on my belly to make her move, which she did, but only a flinch. Then she would be still again. So they called my doctor to let them know that Jovi was not moving like she should be. Turns out that the medicine they gave me for PUPPP has made her sluggish, and since that doesn't relieve any of my itchiness and misery, we have decided to stop taking this medicine. It was very scary, especially with all the medical complications we're having these days. I don't think I would be able to handle it if something had been wrong. So Thank GOD!!!!!

Well, I am on bedrest at this point due to high blood pressure, and all of my other crap. So I will be spending Christmas sitting on my behind, and not eating the yummy foods I normally enjoy at the holidays! Hopefully, Jovi will be here soon. We'll keep you guys posted, and I'll try to get some more pics posted soon.


The Adkins Family said...

I'm so sorry! Remember when I said it would get much worse...

I'm not sure what PUPPP is, but it sounds like a liver condition I had while I was pregnant with Ehren. Mine was called ICP. You may want to check it out at, in case it sounds like your's. It was horrible and felt like I had been bitten by ants inside my body. Very dangerous for baby, also.

Hope they induce soon! What's the plan?