Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Doctor's Appointment

I went in for a doctor's appointment today, and everything is looking great. My blood pressure had gone down which I am relieved about. In the first half of pregnancy, I have gained 15 pounds, and am still gaining. The doc says I am right on track. I also found out that my doctor will be changing...AGAIN...in the last month of my pregnancy, because my doc is having a baby girl a little bit before me. No problem though, because I knew that she was not going to be delivering our little one anyway.

Our little girl's heartbeat was 160 BPM, and she was actually not kicking me too death today. That's the first appointment that I have not had her kicking me too hard for them to do the doppler. I'll try to load our Scottsdale pics tonight, and add them on to the blog.